Got questions?


Where do I watch?

When you purchase a ticket, you'll be emailed your own special link where you can watch the livestream. On that page you can also send the video to other devices, such as your TV, if your devices have those capabilities.

The show is not streamed on Discord, however, we are using Discord for the live questions and for the llive chat. If you wish to join Discord, please follow this link!

What's a live digital event?

Purchasing a ticket will give you access to a livestream to watch this event live, or watch a replay later.

Can I be on the show?

Yes. We'll be using Discord to manage the live Q&A, so join the Discord and attend the live event for a chance to have your question answered.

What if I can't watch live?

You can watch a replay of the event anytime here. This will not be published to YouTube later.

How long is the show?

The show will be between 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

How do I submit a video to the regular show?

You can do that via this form.